09 August 2008

8th She doesn't.

Finally, a placement in Kikuyu hospital, the placement I signed up for. So I put on my finest frock and left. It was a bit of a waste at first as me, Jenny, Hannah; an Estonian chick living and studying biomedical science in England with the best accent ever, and other Jenny; a cool and very left wing psychologist from San Diego, were forced to wait for an hour of our three hour placement until someone showed up to take us to help out. Hannah and myself were taken to emergency medicine where we were seperated and I ended up sitting in an office with a young clinical technician named Jane who seemed to have similar powers to a doctor, diagnosing and prescribing drugs.The most difficult case was a two year old girl with a fever. She was scared, uncooperative and she wouldn't stop screaming. As she wouldn't shut up, we nothiced her tonsils were very swollen and when we tried to get a closer look at the tonsilitis with a torch, she tried not to let us.

Next it was off to the Nest, a child institution to look after babies and kids of all ages while their parents are in prison. We got them painting, only to realise the mess we were going to have to clean up. Afterwards, we got them dancing and drumming. There's something hilarious about watching two year olds shaking their hips to a drum. Caroline and English Jenny forced me to dance too, damn them. It was pretty fun. Then the kids drew pictures for a while, then we helped with the feeding of the babies and toddlers.

We got home to find Christine still a bit under the weather, but she'd been tested and she doesn't have malaria. She also doesn't need any more injections, which is good as she's terrified of needles, bless. She'll be awesome again in no time. Though I'm not sure of the healing properties of tumeric.

I'm off to the coast this weekend to go windsurfing, snorkeling, not sunbathing etc, which should be great. Incidentally, it cost much more than I was expecting, so Sparky and Phil, please make sure you pay me rent, and anyone else can feel free to donate money into my account. You know... If you want... Please. :D

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