26 August 2008

26th – What taste in films?

Spent the day at the pharmacy with Evans, mostly talking about England again. We had one patient in the form of an elderly lady who needed some gel rubbed into her knees. Massaging a virtual corpse’s legs wasn’t really what I’d imagined I would be doing with my day. Later, Evans and his assistant began talking religion, forcing me to admit that I don’t believe in God and am not a Christian. Shocked is the word. Then, of course, they tried to convince me that he does exist along with creationism and everything else from the bible. I just insisted that, though I accept that they believe it all and they are not necessarily wrong, I fervently believe otherwise.

This evening I decided on the film, as I brought sixty DVDs with me and the girls just keep watching the same few over and over again. ‘Little Miss Sunshine’ has been watched four times since I’ve been here. I chose ‘Sunshine’ as KA wanted to see it and it rocks, but Kerrianne left right as it started to check her emails and was replaced by Katharine, who has the worst taste in everything (she’s the only person in all of history that has ever described a Steve Vai guitar solo as ‘slit-your-wrists music’). After she’d poisoned everyone against it and drowned out the storyline by picking out flaws in the plot, most of which didn’t exist, there really was no saving the movie.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I now make a severe point of never watching Sunshine with anyone who I don't KNOW has a damn good taste in films.

But, yeah, have you made them watch The Big Lebowski yet? No-one's ever seen it before, and it's clearly a winner all round.