31 August 2008

31st – Last days

I intended to take my last full day in Kenya easy. Rock climbing in the afternoon was probably the worst way to implement that plan. I scraped my ribs, pulled a muscle in my shoulder, my fingers ache like hell and I incurred Christine’s wrath because I couldn’t make a jump from one finger hold to another five feet further up the wall.

We all lazed about for a few hours in the afternoon, though. I wanted to have one last walk through the tea fields, but we’ll have to do that tomorrow, we sat and watched ‘Perfume’ instead, such a weird, though very good film.

At 18:00 we all went to the Brack café for our last meal there, and to see off Hannah, who left tonight in a flood of emotion, but she has told me to get in touch if I’m ever in her area. I’ll really miss her until then. We only just got her off in time as both of usordered our food at about 18:05 and it wasn’t in front of us until 19:30. “Jesus!” I thought, “How long does it take to cook chicken nuggets and an omelet? These better be the best I’ve ever tasted!” Meh, they were okay, I guess.

Laylah and Yank Jenny leave for home at some point in the dead of night. I’ll really miss them too. I’m toying with the idea of getting up to see them off, but I could probably use the sleep. Long day tomorrow. It’ll last about thirty six hours.

COMING HOME TOMORROW! Be there the day after.

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