28 August 2008

28th – Chapattis

Another Thursday in the slums, which I spent at the pharmacy helping Evans, this time with Hannah, too. As usual, we had almost no patients at all. So Hannah and me wasted time practicing taking blood pressure on each other. We got very bored very quickly and so I went along with the rest of the volunteers in the afternoon to learn how to make and cook chapattis at the slum home of a woman that works in the clinic. Essentially, it’s like a fried bread pancake thing. She was nice enough to cook us all a full meal, which we couldn’t all eat as we had already had lunch.

It’s a short post today and I really haven’t done much else to write about. I’m going out for a walk now in order to avoid having to watch ‘Wedding Date’. It’s unfortunate that the gene that allows people to realise how shit chick-flicks are only comes with Y-chromosomes.

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